Immersive Language Learning

Académie de Toulouse
2017 - 2020
Between 2017 and 2020, I was involved in an innovative Franco-German virtual reality project with the Délégation Académique au Numérique Educatif (DANE) of the Académie of Toulouse (France). The "APLIM" project was accompanied by a PhD thesis on the effects that virtual reality have on motivation and the communication skills of students who learn English. There were four classes in France and three classes in Germany that took part in the project. The research period is between 2018 and 2021.
The project was partially financed by the French Department of Education and took place in cooperation with CANOPE and the universities of Toulouse and Bordeaux.
The idea for the project as well as the pedagogical and technical frameworks and many support materials were my contribution to the project. They are still available on my website on immersive language learning.